5 Ways to Negotiate with Children to Follow Directions

 “Negotiations don't only apply in the business and economic fields, but can also be applied in the part of child care. The way to negotiate with children is to make a mutual agreement so that they always make alternative choices.”

5 Ways to Negotiate with Children to Follow Directions

Halodoc, Jakarta – Negotiation is the ability to adjust a position or opinion to reach an agreement or settlement. Mothers and fathers need to know that negotiation is part of parenting.

Often parents ignore how to negotiate with children, even though this needs to be done. One of them aims to make children want to follow the expected directions or at least find a way out that is equally pleasing to both parents and children.

So, how to negotiate with children?

How to Negotiate with Children

Keep in mind, children have their own opinion about everything. Negotiating with children is necessary so that they can follow directions, or understand that everything that is offered to them has a good reason for it. On the other hand, children also feel heard when their opinions are also accepted by their parents.

Here's how to negotiate with children that can be applied:

Use sentences that are clear and understood by children

Always use simple words and simple instructions for children. Make the child understand the rewards offered for certain actions. Parents should explain one instruction at a time. Avoid using words that are difficult for children to understand. For example, if your child doesn't understand the difference between 2 hours and 20 minutes, then avoid using it in negotiations.

Make a Deal

Start by making a deal, not an argument. However, make sure the tone of voice remains firm. Let the child feel that mom and dad are giving him choices and he is the decision maker.

Let the child feel independent, because then the child will also listen to his parents. Mom and dad should also have a certain tone of voice when asking, if the child doesn't seem to be in a good mood. This is to avoid debate or rejection. For example, use words such as “would you like” or “may I ask for help”, instead of using the word “you must”.

Explain Parents' Thoughts

Use simple words to explain your mom and dad's thoughts to him. Parents can do this when they are doing certain activities alone. Be open to any answers from children, because parents certainly can not imagine what is in the minds of children. Always take the time to explain something. For example about the importance of personal hygiene, going to school, or whatever parents expect.

Let the Children "Win"

Every now and then let the child feel that he is the winner. For example, when your child says that he wants to sleep more on holidays, let him do it. Or give healthy food options at the dinner table, and let the child have what he eats. This will increase the child's confidence in the parents.

Always Provide Alternative Options

Providing alternative choices can be used as a way out if the child does not follow directions. Parents can provide alternative choices that win both parties. However, on the other hand, children still choose their choices and are responsible for their choices.

That's what you need to know about negotiating with children. It should be understood, parents do not need to wait for their children to enter a certain age to start teaching them to negotiate. Starting negotiations early on will make them accustomed to adulthood.

Remember that the goal of negotiation is for both parties to be satisfied. In addition, the most important needs of each party have been met and their voices heard. Also know, when children feel that their needs and opinions are respected, later they will learn to respect the needs of others as well.safelinku

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