Famous Symbols And The Meaning Behind It

Symbols are created with the aim of making it easier for people to remember things. It can be events, gender, objects, teachings, and many other things that can be described through symbols. There are so many symbols with various meanings, meaning that there is one symbol that turns out to have more than one meaning. This can happen depending on which countries see and interpret the symbol. In fact, there is indeed one that has always used a symbol to symbolize many things. Let's explore further a number of world-famous symbols that might have different meanings than we think.

10. Masonic Square

Masonic Square

Apparently there is an organization that called themselves Freemasonry or Masonry. The people who are members of Freemasonry highly uphold the bonds of brotherhood. Everyone who belongs to Masonry is a brother. And their goal is to help fellow Masonry. And the symbol of the Masonry people is the ruler and the term as shown in the picture.

The important point is, Masonry people must focus their desires and goals for the benefit of the organization and humanity. Other portrayals have added the letter G in the middle. Some interpret this G as God (God) and some interpret it as Geometry. G as God in the middle signifies their goal of peace and harmony. G as Geometry signifies as a synonym of Freemasonry as the most noble science.

9. Swastika


Thank you Nazi Germany, thanks to you the swastikas are now so feared in the world. The Nazi era under Adolf Hitler's leadership no longer needed to explain the cruelty that they did. In Indonesia, this swastika image is as forbidden as the hammer and sickle picture. Caught wearing ornaments with the swastika emblem, auto capture.

In fact, this swastika symbol actually has a positive meaning. In Sanskrit, swastika has the meaning of good fortune and prosperity. This symbol is believed to have first appeared in the Eurasian Neolithic era. For those who embrace Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Odinism, this is a sacred symbol.

8. Eye of Providence

eye of providence

Surely many people who already know about the picture of a triangle with the eyes in it, are called illuminati. Illuminati has another name namely eye of providence or all seing eye. Modern society believes that this symbol is the symbol of a group of important and rich people who have the power to rule the world. Is that right?

Apparently, the eye of providence is a symbol that exists or is found in Christian beliefs. Depicts an eye surrounded by light and then wrapped in a triangle. This sign or symbol has meaning as the eye of the Almighty (God) who is always watching over mankind.

7. Pentagram


The successful film world makes people to believe in things that are not necessarily true. This happens with the star symbol that looks like the picture above. The star symbol above is called the pentagram name. In horror films, this pentagram is always associated with satanism. Through this symbol, it is believed we can summon demons or demons from there to the world.

The pentagram symbol actually does not mean the symbol of the devil. Initially this symbol was created with the aim of protection against evil things that come from the devil. Even with conditions that have been turned upside down as above does not make the meaning shift so far. With the image of an inverted star symbolizing someone who wants to conquer darkness.

6. Arit Hammer

hammer and sickle

In Indonesia, everything that smells like a hammer and sickle can make you auto arrested. Stickers, t-shirts, flags, books, which have hammer and sickle pictures can get you business with the police. This is arguably reasonable because remembering the hammer and sickle symbol is a symbol that is identical to the PKI. In addition, this symbol is also a symbol of Marxism and communism. Indonesia strongly rejects the theories of Marxism and communism.

The meaning of hammer and sickle in Indonesia is different from the one in the world. Long ago, hammer and sickle was a symbol of unity of farmers and the poor. Palu symbolizes the industrial proletariat and sickle as peasants. In the Soviet Union it has a different meaning again. The hammer is a symbol of men and sickle is woman.

5. Rabbit's Foot

Rabbit's Foot

In Europe, many people believe that rabbit feet can bring good luck. Who also people who do not want to get good luck. Getting a multi-billion dollar car or lottery prize, who wants to refuse? Well, this rabbit's leg was bought and stored to invite good luck. Or if you intend and have the heart, you cut the legs of a living or dead rabbit.

Have you ever thought that there is a story behind why rabbit feet are believed to bring good luck? In the past, hundreds of years ago people still believed in witches. Witches besides being able to bring goodness, bad luck, are also able to change their form. Rabbits are believed to be witches who change shape. So, catching, cutting, then wearing rabbit's feet is believed to be able to increase one's evil power.

4. Peace

peace sign

Over time, a symbol can shift its meaning. Like this one symbol, it is very popular among teenagers with a symbol of peace. Shown those who want war are forgotten and begin to spread peace. However, the meaning of the peace symbol was not like that.

Let's explore the history of this peaceful symbol until the 1950s. At that time, this symbol was used in the British campaign as a sign for nuclear disarmament. Before developing into a symbol of anti-war campaign, even this symbol could be interpreted as a person who was stretching his hands down, signifying despair and defeat.

3. Ichthys


Maybe some of you who don't know about this one symbol. This symbol is called ichthys fish. This symbol is very popular and famous among Christians. For Christians, fish   ichthys is also called the fish of Jesus. Simply put, a symbol that presents as Jesus.

Previously, ichthys fish were used as symbols for fertility, birth, and love for women. Each of these aspects has a representation of ancient gods. Atargatis, the goddess of fertility from Syria, Aphrodite / Venus, the goddess of love and sex, and finally the mother of all goddesses from the Pagan belief in the vulva.

2. Guy Fawkes

Fawkes guy

This guy fawkes mask is popular thanks to his appearance in the film V for Vendetta in 2005. From the film, the mask of the guy Fawkes was made a symbol of rebellion. People who feel let down by an evil government, rebellion to bring down people in government.

Actually this guy Fawkes mask is not only aimed at bringing down an evil government but building another system. Long ago in England, anarchists used the guy Fawkes as a symbol to destabilize British rule. Guy Fawkes was used to destroy the Christian Revolution and build Catholic dominance.

1. Heart

heart symbol

There is no one who has never seen a heart symbol. Symbols with hearts are the most common symbols that can be found anywhere. Usually this heart symbol is used as a sign of love for someone. When in fact, this symbol is not very similar to the actual heart shape and has other meanings that many people do not know about.

If we look back as far as possible, you will find this heart symbol in ancient Roman coins. The picture of the heart is a symbol of the seeds of the silphium plant. This silphium plant was very popular in Roman times to control pregnancy or birth control. Even ancient Romans thought that the shape of silphium seeds was similar to the testes.

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